背景色 文字


 私たちのまち豊橋市は、市民自治の精神に立ち、人や地域、世界の国々とのつながりを大切に、" すべての人とともに生きる"、気概と誇りをもったまちづくりを進めています。
 心豊かで笑顔あふれる豊橋を次の世代に引き継ぐため、私たち豊橋市民は、一人ひとりが、未来への夢と高い志を持ち、" 世界に開かれ、世界に友人をもつ豊橋" 、" 平和を希求する豊橋" をめざすことを決意し、ここに「平和・交流・共生の都市」を宣言します。



Declaration of Toyohashi City―Promoting Peace, Friendship, and Mutual Respect―

Our city, Toyohashi, is committed to ongoing development in a spirit of autonomy and pride. The City shall promote friendship and partnership with all people, while strengthening relations with all regions and countries.

On the centennial of Toyohashi City, we shall promote international friendship and wide-ranging exchange. Inheriting from our forefathers their wisdom and passion, we shall strive to create a world of permanent peace, free from nuclear threat, and to contribute to global sustainable development.

Regardless of our nationalities, we shall foster mutual trust and respect among citizens through our efforts to understand diverse cultures and social customs, and to fulfill our own roles and responsibilities as citizens of Toyohashi. We shall work to develop a safe and comfortable community, where residents help each other and lead happy and bright lives.

To pass on to our future generations a City of spiritual affluence and smiling faces, each and every citizen of Toyohashi shall share aspirations for the future and endeavor toward their realization. With our resolution to create "Toyohashi, a City Open and Connected to the World" and "Toyohashi, a City Dedicated to Permanent Peace," we hereby announce this Declaration promoting Peace, Friendship, and Mutual Respect.

 18 December 2006

Toyohashi City, Aichi

